Healthy and delicious chocolate bars, chocolates, nut nougat cream and chocolate entirely without sugar, fructose or artificial sweeteners - sweetened with a mixture of stevia, xylitol (birch sugar) and erythritol suitable for diabetics.
(birch sugar, see Depesche 30/2008) and erythritol. In addition, vegan, low carb and "fast keto" - completely free of gluten, lactose, artificial chemical additives, flavors and flavor enhancers and therefore ideally suited for vegans, allergy sufferers, people with intolerances or high inflammation levels or for parents who simply like to give their children healthy nibbles or for everyone who "just" wants to live healthily, i.e. eat healthily Can such a thing even exist?
The Corona crisis hit Eva Glöckner (in the picture on the right), a long-time reader of dispatches from Munich, hard: as a scientific and medical cosmetician and founder of an association for skin health, she was condemned by the Corona measures from one day to the next to inactivity and loss of income. But Eva did not give up, made a virtue out of necessity and remembered the recipe book of her grandmother, Elly Momberg, who was already known at that time for her special cakes and sweets.
Herself affected by intolerances and allergies in childhood, Eva wanted to create healthy nibbles that were also suitable for allergy sufferers. She teamed up with Dispatch reader and trained nutritionist Melanie Romeijn (center). Then, when an accomplished food technologist was found, the new product range was born, which was given the brand name Elly Momberg in honor of Eva's grandmother. In addition to the initial chocolate bars in six different flavors (peanut, coconut, cherry, coffee, peanut-caramel, cocoa-rum), two more bars (with lemon cream and hazelnut), various chocolates, dark and coconut milk chocolate, as well as almond paste and a nut-nougat cream as spreads joined the Elly Momberg range.
It was important to the two innovative Munich natives that their nibbles are not "merely" healthy (and therefore boring), but first and foremost also "mmmmmm"! The response of their customers so far seems to prove them right. Who wants to try the healthy sweets times, can order these here: www.elly-momberg.de Telephone: (0176) 6292 6295
Michael Kent - Kent-Depesche 17+18/2021 - more know, better live - 73230 Kirchheim/Teck - Tel.: (07021) 7379-0 - [info@] sabinehinz.de or [info@] mwbl.de